Friday 9 May 2014

New meaning to Unwind!

Early Morning Sunrise.

Hurry..Rush..Hurry…. again!

Hurry to get ready in the morning… Hurry To have early morning Breakfast, Rush to the work with the Traffic jam which makes you think everyone is going to office which is where my office is the opposite lane having thin traffic and motorised smiling as though they enjoy looking at people stuck in the traffic!
Office Boss sitting on the head on deadlines, meeting clients even they sit on head to get the work done in all this hectic schedule miss the lunch deadlines, tea breaks etc…. Finally the day comes to end reach home looking like just finished a big battle and come!

Home is such a beautiful place to be after a hectic day, just sit relax watch TV or read and the best companion for such moments to unwind is Black Dog – Triple Gold Reserve from the house of Black Dog India’s best Scotch Whisky provider with those Golden Red liquid filled in the glass with few cubes of ice, one sip and just get lost in the aroma..taste.. of this wonderful liquid and the days events is all but forgotten, now that is what I call truly unwinding after hard day of work.

Thanks to Black Dog – Triple Gold Reserve weekdays just pass as smoothly as possible, but the true unwind experience would be the weekend the Holidays, Nothing like to wake-up to tension free laze around in the bed till mid-day and then start the day with a lazy breakfast and of course Black Dog – TGR Scotch.

Why would i say Scotch for Brunch you say? Well its nothing like enjoying a peaceful weekend, all the weeks running around, rushing to meet the deadlines, clients and bosses sitting on the head forgotten, this is time for lazy food, couple of friends and a bottle of Black Dog – Triple Gold Reserve and  the best unwind moment that anyone could have!

Disclaimer: The content featured above is only for people aged above 25 years. Underage drinking is illegal and against the law. Drink responsibly 

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