Friday 23 May 2014

Sea. Scotch. Ship

I'm currently on a cruise ship somewhere in the Bay of Bengal, en route from Kolkota to Andaman. Most people here are either retirees enjoying the easy life or younger folks celebrating birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries. My friend Raj and I are neither-- we're using the ship as a mobile work retreat.

As a nomad and an entrepreneur, I find myself working in a large variety of places throughout the year. I have a nice setup in my Home, but I'll also work from friend's offices, airplanes, airports, friend or family's houses, trains, Regus offices or any other number of places. However, my absolute favorite place to work is from a cruise ship.

The number one enemy of productivity is distraction, either in the form of entertainment or things like chores and phone calls which feel productive but break up the day. Cruise ships are a remarkable way to eliminate all of those things. 

On a cruise ship, everything is taken care of for you. No time at all has to be allocated to cooking, choosing your meal, or to cleaning. You show up at the restaurant, in which all of the food, order whatever you want from the rotating menu, eat, and grab A drink in my case it would be Black Dog Triple Gold Reserve then immediately get up and get back to work.
When you get back to your stateroom, it has been cleaned and the bed has been made. Today there appeared, with no explanation, a big platter of fruit, which will make a great snack while working and having my favourite Scotch.

Despite working for most of the day, it's nice to have high quality breaks. Meals on cruises can be quite long, and they seat you with random people. Most of the random people are probably not like the people you normally associate with, which can be a mixed bag. But allows for some shifts in perspective and Black Dog Scotch Whisky always helps! If you go with a friend, you can debrief with him on your workday. 

All said and done after a long calm Cruise trip with my buddy and Black Dog Triple Gold Reserve it is nice to touch back on the ground and feel the sand in the feet and get back to the normal life of running around going about the work.

Disclaimer: The content featured above is only for people aged above 25 years. Underage drinking is illegal and against the law. Drink responsibly


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