Thursday 8 May 2014

Happiness improves by the day!

Knock Knock!

Thus arrives a gift on my door, I wonder from whom and what is it?

Name: Anonymous, with love! – Now this part is a bit interesting i would say, who is this person who has sent me this box neatly gift wrapped…… This mystery remains till day!

Now coming to the box… neatly packed.. nice…. Something big and heavy may be a brick is it some kind of prank? Hmmm.. some more shake defiantly not a brick I hear liquid moving around… relived! in hurry tear open the package and WOW!!!

I see a nice premium gold packaging underlining signifying sophistication and luxury, big bold letters stating Black Dog Triple Gold Reserve, I have got a big big grin on my face, for two reasons:
1)      My 1st ever Black Dog Scotch
2)      Black Dog’s newest Scotch that is Triple Gold Reserve this was like extra 30ml on a 60ml..:)

Big Grin and the Sun beating down in the middle of the afternoon I think should I open it or keep it, but looking at the golden red liquid in the bottle it just was too much to resist.. and I open the Bottle for one of the most memorable evenings!

As I wait for my Scotch glass to be cleaned by my maid, I observe the contents mentioned in the box, Black Dog Gold Reserve, from the house of the Black Dog, India’s Best Scotch Whisky provider now that name can be repeated many times and will sound awesome every time it is told!

And here comes the sparking glass! Thus I pour a small amount of this Golden Red Scotch in the glass, the aroma… the strong wood… now taste… caramelized peaches… bit of wood… now this is how Black Dog tastes like, it was a complete new and best Scotch experience for me.

Being this BD-Triple Gold Reserve so good, I resist my urges and keep for better occasions..
Surprise! Surprise! Old Friend from School shows up, what better way to enjoy this moment then to reopen the Bottle of the Black Dog –TGR!
On the couch enjoying the with my best buddy, as I have my 1st sip… pause…. Hold on now its tasting different.. it is actually tasting better then yesterday with all the wood..peach… now I get Vanilla also… now that is a true experience to have scotch which just tastes better and better everyday!

Thank you, anonymous love, will never forget you..:) 

Disclaimer: The content featured above is only for people aged above 25 years. Underage drinking is illegal and against the law. Drink responsibly 

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