Wednesday 11 March 2009

The Rim Job - a do or don't?

Whenever a bartender or party host/ess asks "Would you like your cocktail rimmed?" The usual answer is, "Yes! Of course!" And why not? By rimming the glass with sugar, salt or candy (depending on the drink of choice) you are adding another flavor, something to enhance your beverage. Right? Maybe not. Here's the thing - when rimming a drink you have to ask yourself, "Do I want that stuff all over my lips?" For example, last weekend when out with a group of friends I ordered a choclatini (a grown ups chocolate milk only with vodka instead of vitamin D) garnished with a nice ring of cocoa powder. While the drink was quite yummy and buzz inducing, much to my friends' amusement I was left with two lines of cocoa residue on my cheeks, making me look like I was grinning (quite literally) ear to ear. So my advice to all of you rim job fans out there is to wipe off an inch or so, so you can sip without having to go through a handful of cocktail napkins. Or you should only drink with friends who will tell you when you have something on your face instead of waiting until you go to the bathroom and find it for yourself.

Despite my joker-esque incident, I am a fan of rimming cocktails with a little extra something. In fact, there are several drinks I simply will not order if the bartender isn't dipping the glass into something first. Here are a few drinks that are rarely served bare and some tips on when (and when not) to rim them.

The Margarita the classic choice for a good rim job, a margarita without a ring of salt just doesn't feel like a margarita. When you should opt for a naked glass: If there is high-end tequila being used (if the bottle says Anejo, don't rim-o) or if you-re having it with a meal other than chips and salsa.

Mojito Since there is already pure sugar cane within the drink itself, I am torn on whether or not this is a good rim choice. If you're a real sweet tooth I can see going down this route, but the mojito is a sugary lady already, so dentists beware. Naked glass: In my opinion, the mint garnish is enough.

Lemondrop a personal favorite, the lemondrop (citrus vodka, sometimes triple sec and lemon juice) absolutely deserves a sugar seal. The sour lemon and the sweet sugar accent one another perfectly and make for one hell of a combo. Naked glass: Never! Anything chocolate or vanilla based this covers your chocolate espresso, vanilla/chocolate martinis and coffee drinks. A dessert drink, the rim is the cherry on top. Naked glass: See above.

So, rim with caution and don't assume the decorative treat is going to make your drink taste better, in some cases it will make it too much of a good thing. Want to try rimming at home? Be sure to use the right moistening device (the innuendos are just too easy). For a salty rim use a lime or a lemon wedge, for the sweeter stuff use a fruit infused liqueur.